“Intention is the real power behind desire. Intent alone is very powerful, because intent is desire without attachment to the outcome.”

Thursday, July 30, 2009

First Trip - India '09

Finally took my first journey. I traveled to the state of Gujarat, just north of Bombay (Mumbai). It is also home to my community. Was based in Ahmedabad and traveled frequently to a city called Rajkot, which is one of the industrial bases in the country for all engines manufacturing. This city hosts 4 industrial estates, which are lands alloted by the government specifically for industrial activity.
I made 2 round trips, 6 hour each between Ahmedabad and Rajkot to meet with a few of these engine manufacturing companies and its local market.

But everytime I travel to a new location, I am always amazed to see new devices or designs of devices for functions we take for granted.
For example, the picture below is of a road-side tea stall.
The guy is using a regular "chula" for making tea, which is a coal burning stove. The uniquness of this chula is that there's a pump connected to it. So instead of waving a fan to heat the coals as normally done in any household, he uses a rotary pump to blow air into the chula.
All tea stall owners in the city use this chula design!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Back to the roots

Back in Mumbai, India to continue on the second phase of SEED's journey. This next step is very crucial to build the most important aspect of the business.

Watch for this space as information pours in.
